While catalogs are used by the manufacturing segment of the industry to reach new and established customers, it is the retailers who make the most significant use of this advertising piece. Catalogs are publications that range from the giant varieties used by such companies as J.C. Penney and Neiman-Marcus, in which a host of products are featured, to the more specialized, smaller books that exclusively merchandise one product segment, such as apparel or home fashions.

Think of a linesheet as a one-sheet catalog or a lighter version of
your catalog. It is a simple yet very powerful tool to promote your products because it allows you to focus on a specific segment of your product line - and it can be produced and printed in a very short period of time.

Brochures are folded in many sizes, and can be designed to fit budgets large and small. They include photographs and descriptive messages about your business. Brochures often provide the public with their first view of a company or organization. It is critical that these sources of information portray the client in a way that is seen as advantageous to their purpose, both visually and with regard to content. Many businesses make significant use of brochures to directly market their specialties to potential customers.

Most often, a successful poster is one that delivers its message directly and powerfully through visual impact, an intriguing message, interesting colors, etc. There is no limit on sizes.